Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Task Force Begins Its Work

The Task Force Meets

The task force created to study the issues of flooding and traffic in the Eastern Villages area has started its meetings. So far preliminary efforts include a reworking of some of the details of the engineering scope and discussion of present traffic concerns.

The engineering scope includes all the requirements the Township needs from the engineering firm hired to study the flooding from the warehouses. The task force felt there were some modifications needed to the request. The area of concern needed better definition. As well, water testing needed to be added, and a study of the aquifer recharge area needed some examination. As soon as an engineering firm is selected, the task force will work with its representatives investigating the flooding and its impact.

Truck traffic in the residential areas of the Eastern Villages has been an ongoing concern. As warehouses have been built, more and more tractor trailers have been using local roads as shortcuts. While Township roads can be restricted , County roads are open to all traffic. The new Route 522 may relieve traffic in the future, but its construction is still years away. In the meantime, the task force hopes to make suggestions to establish designated truck routes to discourage truckers from rumbling past peoples' houses.

It may not be until summer's end before the task force's mission is complete. Be assured some very dedicated people are working hard to make sure its job is done well.


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