Nature is Remarkable
Nature is Remarkable
The trees are starting to bloom, despite the flooding. Our fears for the sweet gum trees in the flooded area not have at least a season's respite. Fortuntately too, with the recent dry spell, the flood waters have receded in the slightly higher areas letting the roots and trunks get a break from the constant soaking.
Still worrisome is the water in the interior forest which connects to a vernal pond. If the pond stays wet all summer, the ecology of the water might change. Right now the spring peepers--those chirping little tree frogs who herald the coming of warm weather--are singing away in their breeding area. Should bass invade the pond because of the constant new water habitat they will eat the frog's eggs and young, ruining the nursery.
People tend to forget that nature has survived in its own balance for centuries. Areas like the Pigeon Swamp have been purchased by the State of New Jersey to protect that balance, not abuse it. Excess water in a natural resource is an abuse. In this case it can destroy animal habitat and, of course, our vital drinking water sources.
We await the start of the task force to study these concerns. We also await authorization of the $100,000 to begin the engineering study. The trees have giving us some breathing room. Now, while we wait, we can only hope, the bass, the frogs and the aquifer will give is a break too.