Sunday, July 02, 2006

Engineering Firms Respond

An estimated 4,300,000 gallons of water from this detention basin flood into the Pigeon Swamp after each heavy rainstorm.

Why Would You Change Your Mind?

PMK has been selected by the Township as the engineering firm to study the flooding issues in the Pigeon Swamp area.

But, something strange happened in the selection process. According to Township officials, six firms responded to the RFQ (Request for Qualifications) posted on the Township website. The Township Manager reported that each of the six firms were sent letters from South Brunswick requesting financial proposals similar to bids for the job.

Of the six original firms, only two responded to the letter.

Why would an engineering firm take time, energy and manpower to prepare an RFQ--a fairly complex application document--and then not follow up when asked to submit a budget?

On the plus side, PMK has aquired the services of one of the most respected water experts in New Jersey to work on the flooding issues. EVA hopes this expertise will find a solution to what is becoming a more and more serious environmental crisis as time passes.

A rough calculation of the water flowing from the warehouse detention basin is frightening. If the basin fills to a depth of 10 feet, an estimated 4, 300,000 gallons of water floods out, through the Turnpike pipes and into the State Parkland beyond. This water has already connected to the internal water of the Pigeon Swamp, a Category 1, protected watershed.

Too bad we couldn't get all six engineering firms to help out. With all that water, it's going to take a lot of wading to solve the problems.


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