Sunday, June 19, 2005

Signs of the Times

Lawn Signs Proclaim the Mission

Motorists driving on Davdison's Mill Road, Fresh Ponds Road, Deans-Rhode Hall Road, and White Pine Road see EVA's presence on neighborhood lawns.

EVA has encouraged residents to show support for our rural zoning by putting special signs on their lawns. One sign shows a red circle crossing out a message regarding the proposed zoning change while the other sign shows a similar opposition to warehouses in the district.

Apparently, local politicians have noticed the signs, making mention of them in e-mails to EVA members. Hopefully, this is an effective way of getting the message across.

We also have a larger sign posted across from the Pulda Farm pointing to the beautiful lands offering more information to anyone concerned with saving our heritage.

EVA has been meeting at the Fresh Ponds Chapel. We now have an elected steering committee and a growing sense of organization and committment.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

How We Began

Our First Undertaking
The EVA is taking an active role in trying to preserve the Pulda Farm on Davidson's Mill Road. With a Dutch farmhouse dating back to the 1600's, a family cemetery with a Revolutionary war veteran, and over a hundred acres of prime New Jersey farm soil, the farm is under assault from out of town developers who want to make a killing with high profile development.

A large warehouse developer has already made an effort to convince the Township to rezone the land for industrial development instead of the current two acre rural residential zoning allowed. EVA members and local residents successfully helped derail this first effort before the Township Planning Board who voted unanimously to recommend against such a change.

While all is currently quiet on the Township level, the developer has continued his stranglehold on the land and has refused to respond to queries regarding land preservations offers.

The land is designated for County Farmland preservation funding. As well, since it connects to and "finishes off" the Pigeon Swamp State Park tract, Green Acres has shown an interest as have various other State and local land preservation funders interested in saving the historic integrity of the land.

The EVA is dedicated to preserving this farm as well as the rural nature of the remaining lands in the Northeastern section of South Brunswick.